Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine is a fast-paced, multi-discipline, procedure heavy specialty. If you are a PA considering working in this field, or PA Student about to do your ER clinicals, we have a free “ER cheat sheet” download you’ll appreciate as well as some critical care refresher videos, COVID-19 updates, book, website and podcast recommendations too!
Free ER “Cheat Sheet” PDF for PAs!
Mark Roman, PA-C put together a great document full of small tips and tricks that is a great reference for PAs working in the ER and agreed to let EmpoweredPAs share it! Legal stuff: this document is not medical advice, and information may be out of date or inaccurate, use at your own risk!

Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Free Lectures
These FREE lectures are available at: https://covid19.sccm.org/nonicu.htm
They have recorded lectures, with case studies and test questions:

ICU Refresher Course and Videos
Dr. Jessica Bunin has been kind enough to post some great videos on youtube reviewing three basic topics:
COVID Summary for PAs
How to Protect Your Family from COVID-10 by Dr. David Price
Questions about PA employment issues during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Kasey D’Amato and her team with Certified PA Consulting (CPAC) are dedicated to serving the PA community during the COVID-19 outbreak. She has been answering PA questions about layoffs, furloughs, and PA issues related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Monday through Friday she will be LIVE on Facebook and Instagram every day at 3pm PST (6pm EST)!
Other EM Related Videos
I also love many of the videos John Bielinski, PA-C has posted on EKG interpretation. Here is a quick review:
Free Category 1 CMEs:
Speaking of John, he was kind enough to offer free category 1 CMEs!
“Thank you. To my medical colleagues, physicians, NPs and PAs, EMS, nurses. Thank you! Keep fighting a good fight. Please allow us to offer you free category 1 CME. There is now a coupon code on American Medical Seminars called “Hero2020.” This is for your use to earn free CME for the Heroes of the Healthcare profession fighting on the front lines. It can be used at http://ams4cme.com for the free purchase of two (2) downloadable single worth 5 AMA PRA Category 1 credits each. The courses must be bought in two separate orders and the coupon code can only be used 2 times per account.”
Favorite “ER” Books and Resources:

EMRA Antibiotic Guide Is a system based antibiotic guide, great for PA students or new PAs!

Dale Dubin’s Rapid Interpretation of EKGs is the brightly colored ubiquitous “go to” EKG resource

Maxwell’s Quick Reference is a cheap and simple guide for those who only want the basics!

Acute Care Protocols The higher price is worth it for new graduate ER PAs, and highlights when to elevate care

Elemental Medicine is a quick read and helps fill in the gaps on lab intepretation

Tarascon is the classic reference guide for all medication dosing

EMRA Basics of EM is a great little pocket guide with differential diagnoses, workups and red flags to watch for!

Pediatric Emergency Medicine is a desk reference, but amazing for learning all things Peds EM
Online FREE Links:
If you are looking for PERC score, Wells Score or PCARN criteria, you’ve found the right place
A great place to learn about ECG Basics
Their Chest Xrays, CT Brain and Trauma Xray Galleries are a great place to review normal images
A resource for learning neuroanatomy. It has loads of CTs, MRIs to learn from and study
Evidence-based free resources for all things ortho!
You will love these guys. You’re welcome!
John Bielinski, PA-C with the Emergency Medicine Institute covers EM topics for all providers