Empowered PAs Articles

Empowered PAs across the nation have spoken! We have lots of posts and articles for PAs in all phases of their career:

PA Leadership A Day in the Life of a PA Nonclinical Roles

Pre-PAsPA StudentsPracticing PAs

All Empowered PAs Articles:

Just Do It: Submitting to Speak at Professional Conferences

Just Do It: Submitting to Speak at Professional Conferences

By the end of 2023, I will have presented at seven professional conferences this year. SEVEN. Here’s the thing.. before...

5 Reasons Why PAs Should Consider Going to National AAPA Conference And How to Pay For It

5 Reasons Why PAs Should Consider Going to National AAPA Conference And How to Pay For It

As the AAPA 2023 Conference approaches, I wanted to share my experience from last year, why I feel it’s SO...

HealthGigJobs : Take Control and Make Money on Your Terms

Have you ever considered working as an independent contractor as a PA for your own business but didn’t want the...

Physician Assistant Entrepreneurs

Physician Assistant Entrepreneurs

PA Nonclincal Roles- Physician Assistant Entreprenuers Did you know many PAs (Physician Assistant/Associates) are entrepreneurs? As you might recall a...

EmpoweredPAs Podcast with Special Guest Kristin Burton

Financial Coach and physician assistant/associate Kristin Burton spent time with me sharing her experience as a PA. Not only is...

Different Roles For PAs in a Nonclinical Setting

Did you know that PAs (Physician Assistants/Physician Associates) are VERY well suited to work in roles outside of bedside clinical...

Another Way to Pay for PA School

2022 Update: As one of our more popular posts, many students have thanked me for such a detailed review of...

CASPA: Ever Heard of It?

CASPA: Ever Heard of It?

A quick walk-through on what CASPA is and some of the most common questions answered. What is CASPA? As a...

Thank You For Your Service, How Veterans started it all.

Thank You For Your Service, How Veterans started it all.

In this episode, I discuss how our profession is deeply rooted in the military. I discuss the origins of the...

PCE or HCE: Which one do PA schools require? A deep dive into my experience with both.

PCE or HCE: Which one do PA schools require? A deep dive into my experience with both.

Patient & Healthcare Experience: My 13+ Years in Medicine It’s November already, where did the time go!?! Before you know...

COVID-19 surge, burnout, and how it is affecting us.

COVID-19 surge, burnout, and how it is affecting us.

Podcast Episode #7: Our guest Kevin Williams joins us on this episode. Kevin is a PA from the Tampa Florida...

Happy PA Week!

Happy PA Week!

SO MANY GIVEAWAYS! October 6th is Physician Assistant/Associate (PA) Day and this week, Oct 6-12 we celebrate PAs! The PA...

Should Pre-PAs Join State PA Associations?

Should Pre-PAs Join State PA Associations?

Hola friends! It’s your trusty Pre-PA amiga Becky again. This month has brought on a lot of fun things for...

Exciting News for EmpoweredPAs!

Exciting News for EmpoweredPAs!

We are expanding the EmpoweredPAs team.. AGAIN! I am SOOOOOO excited to finally have the word out.. You may recall...

Introducing Our NEWEST Member of the EmpoweredPAs team!

Meet Becky! I am SOOOO excited to share this news with you all! There are lots of changes happening in...

Free Pre-PA Resources

Free Pre-PA Resources

Getting into PA school can be tough. There are SO MANY things Pre-Physician Associate (PA) students need to do to...

Empowered PAs Physician Assistant Podcast

Self Care In Healthcare- What Has Helped Me

Podcast Episode 5 Many healthcare workers are struggling with burnout right now, and I am one of them. After a...

Empowered PAs Physician Assistant Podcast

Diversity in the PA Profession: Navigating Obstacles with Brianna Cardenas, PA-C

Podcast Episode 4: Diversity in the PA Profession, Navigating Obstacles with Brianna Cardenas, PA-C Today’s podcast is one I’ve been...

Financial Investing For PAs, Kyle Johnson, PA-C

Financial Investing For PAs, Kyle Johnson, PA-C

Let’s face it, Physician Assistant (PA) School is expensive. However, being smart by paying off student debt, and then using...

PA Leadership Series: Kasey       D’Amato, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Kasey D’Amato, PA-C

Have you ever felt STUCK in your career as a PA? Do you need to negotiate your salary or contract...

PA Week 2020!

PA Week 2020!

PA Week 2020! If you are looking for the 2021 PA WEEK GIVEAWAY POST CLICK HERE Happy PA Week! Every...

Helping PAs Off The Pandemic Struggle Bus, Hope Cook, PA-C

Helping PAs Off The Pandemic Struggle Bus, Hope Cook, PA-C

Guest Post: Helping PAs Off The Pandemic Struggle Bus, Hope Cook, PA-C I don’t know about other Physician Assistants, but...

Elizabeth in the Operating Room, Physician Assistant

A Day in the Life of a Vascular and Thoracic Surgery PA: Elizabeth Dryden, PA-C

OH my PA friends, you are in for a treat. Today, my former PA school colleague, Elizabeth Dryden (formerly Diebert...

10 Tips To Help You Survive Working Night Shift

10 Tips To Help You Survive Working Night Shift

Podcast Episode 3: 10 Tips To Help You Survive Working Night Shift Night shift.. you either embrace it or loathe...

Pediatric Diversity Resources

As a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant (PA), mother, and parent, I have been looking for resources on HOW to...

Unity in Healthcare Webinar

Unity in Healthcare Webinar

The Conversation Has Officially Started.. In June of 2020, some AMAZING and EMPOWERED PAs discussed topics including race, diversity, and...

Nonclinical Roles for PAs: Michelle Lim, PA-C, Medical Science Liaison

Nonclinical Roles for PAs: Michelle Lim, PA-C, Medical Science Liaison

Did you know PAs can work as Medical Science Liaisons? If you are a physician assistant (PA) looking for a...

COVID-19: What Can PAs Do to Help?

COVID-19: What Can PAs Do to Help?

Plus, a COVID-19 CDC resource list at the end of the post! Last night, as our house was winding down,...

PA Gift Buying Guide

PA Gift Buying Guide

Stuck on what to give your favorite PA? Regardless if it’s holiday gift shopping, birthday, PA week or for graduation,...

Canada Celebrates PA Day!

Canada Celebrates PA Day!

Today, November 27th, our neighbors to the north celebrate PA day throughout their country! Anne Dang, a PA, and amazing...

FAPA South Region Gives Back

FAPA South Region Gives Back

If you want some serious PA inspiration, then check out what Nicole Schtupak, the South Regional Director for the Florida...

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Jason Berger, PA-C

Today is the last post for our PA week celebrations! We hope you have enjoyed our series of amazing PA...

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Kate Callaway, PA-C

Today we have another amazing and dedicated PA for our PA Leadership series! I first connected with Kate through the...

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Heather Gates, PA-C

It has been an eventful PA week so far, and today we have an amazing PA I’m so excited to...

PA Leadership Series: Jacob Yakubov, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Jacob Yakubov, PA-C

We continue PA Week 2019 celebrations and today, I’m so excited to introduce another awesome PA for our leadership series!...

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Nicole Schtupak, PA-C

We are continuing our celebrations of PA week by featuring another amazing PA for our PA Leadership series! I was...

PA Leadership Series: Greg Burns, PA-C

PA Leadership Series: Greg Burns, PA-C

Today I’m excited to continue the celebration of PA week by introducing you to a PA who has spent quite...

Happy PA Week 2019!

Happy PA Week 2019!

Today, October 6th officially kicks off PA week and we, at EmpoweredPAs are beyond excited! There is so much to...

PA Spotlight: Brandon Hughey, PA-S2 is Running for PAFT Student Director at Large

PA Spotlight: Brandon Hughey, PA-S2 is Running for PAFT Student Director at Large

Empowered PAs has always been about promoting the “go-getters”.. those PAs (and PA students) who look to go the extra...

A Day in the Life of a Primary Care, Telemedicine PA: Desmond Watt, PA-C

A Day in the Life of a Primary Care, Telemedicine PA: Desmond Watt, PA-C

I’m pleased to share this (long time coming) article for our A Day in the Life of a Physician Assistant...