PA Leadership Series: Lianne Hahn, PA-C

Lianne is a PA Entrepreneur with a very busy schedule! She works clinically as a contracted PA in several different fields, while also running PA related businesses. She wears many hats, and at the end of the day, it’s obvious she is passionate about helping advance our profession. Her website and services help Advance Practice Providers (APPs) in many different situations. If you have ever thought about working as an independently contracted PA, she is definitely your resource!

Tell us a little about yourself? Your name, how long you’ve been a PA, where you went to school, and anything else you’d like to add.

My name is Lianne Hahn – I am a physician assistant who graduated from AT Still University in Mesa, Arizona. I graduated in 2014.

What is your role as a leader?


What does your typical day look like?

I run multiple businesses and work clinically so sometimes I am doing several things at the same time that are all unrelated. As an independent contractor and business owner, I take whatever comes my way. Every day, every week looks completely different.

If you are clinical, how is your practice set up? What is the structure and what is your relationship with your supervising physician like?

I am an independent contractor when I practice clinically. I work in various specialties depending what specialty my clients work in and where the need is. I have agreements with supervising physicians as to how I will be paid. They contact me when they need help/coverage and I let them know if I am available. The great part of this is that I can make my own schedule. The downside is, you don’t want to always be saying no – because when you say no – someone else says yes. If you want to keep a good working reputation you will be the “yes” person even when you don’t want to be. You will lose work to others if you are not reliable or available. I have literally left in the middle of dinners to go see patients who need immediate attention and I have brought work with me when I am traveling. I don’t say no to weekends, holidays, days or nights. That’s how you get business and keep it.

Generally, my relationship with my supervising physicians is strictly business and our contact is limited to a “prn” basis – if there is something out of my scope, or that I have questions about, or that I feel is important, I communicate that. I am never afraid to admit what I do not know or what I do not feel comfortable with. We have a mutual trust.

I also own a business where we edit resumes and cover letters, as well as review contracts and make negotiation suggestions. My business is beneficial to advance practice providers who are seeking a second opinion or second set of eyes from professionals they otherwise would not have access to – who are also non-biased. My staff includes PAs, Graduate level professors, and an attorney. “With our powers combined,” we essentially can provide the most thorough review of anything career-related for advanced practice providers. I also help people get set up as independent contractors and do career coaching. My blog provides APP’s with a unique perspective and information they otherwise wouldn’t find on other websites.

I am also a keynote speaker at local PA programs on contracts and negotiations.

How do you divide your time into clinical and administrative tasks?

I wouldn’t say I have a document with two columns that says “clinical to do” or “admin to do.” I have an agenda book (paper) and I write where I work that day and miscellaneous tasks I need to do that day – including personal ones. The book is an organized mess but it makes sense to me. I check things off one by one as I complete them and if I don’t finish it that day, I move it to the next day (if it is not time sensitive). Staying organized and actually completing tasks instead of putting them off will keep you on top of your game. Handle tasks as they arise, don’t dwell or delay them – get it out of the way immediately and you won’t ever have to say “Oh, I’m so sorry I forgot to do that.” You want to be on your game and not miss a beat.

Did you pursue a leadership role or was it offered to you?

I created my own leadership role(s).

How did you prepare for your role? Did you take any leadership courses?

The leadership course I took was called “life.” You have to be “hungry.” You have to want it.

Do you have room or opportunities to grow in your current leadership position?

The sky is the limit.

Are you satisfied with your position? If you could do it all over again, would you?

Yes, I am satisfied with my position and I would do it all over again.

Do you think PAs are adequately educated about how to be a leader? If not, do you have any suggestions on what should be taught?

PAs are absolutely not adequately educated about how to be a leader and I don’t think necessarily by educating someone “how” to be a leader that it makes them one. I am not aware of PA programs that are making it a priority to include leadership courses in their didactic year.

Leaders have certain personality characteristics that come naturally. You can teach people how to start their own business but you cannot change their personality, passion or drive. There are certain skills being a leader requires and they are not taught in classes. Work ethic, unfortunately, is an important quality that many people are lacking or do not completely understand the full extent of what work ethic entails. “Hard work, works. Working hard is what successful people do.” – Denzel Washington

Do you have any suggestions for newly graduated PAs interested in becoming leaders in their community?

Get involved in your state association and pay your dues to your national association. Show up to the local meetings and dinners. Meet people in your industry and network daily. You should always know someone you can go to for anything (whether it be medically related or business related) or be able to refer others to your networking colleagues.

There is no one better to work for than yourself. I highly recommend becoming an independent contractor if you can.

Anything else you’d like to add?

If someone else is doing something you want to do, figure out what they did to get to that position and emulate their moves – but do them better.

Don’t step on others to get where you are going. Once you get there, reach back and pull someone else up.

“Just because you are doing a lot more, doesn’t mean you are getting a lot more done. Don’t confuse movement with progress.” – Denzel Washington

Do what you’re passionate about and take chances. Dreams without goals are just dreams.

Check out my website, like us on Facebook, and drop me a line if you think I can be of any assistance or guidance on your career journey.


A big thanks to Lianne for answering our PA Leadership questions! Check out her website for assistance with PA resumes, networking, contracts, career coaching and a host of other services!


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Physician Assistant, Owner and Blogger at Currently practicing in a Pediatric Emergency Department, overseeing and developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines with teams of amazing people, supporting and mentoring Pre-PA and PA Students, with a hope to advance our profession and give PAs the tools and resouces they need to advance their careers.